Once your shop is online (ie you have an active Order Cycle) , customers are able to place orders. This section explains how to:
adjust payments (refunds etc)
Sometimes you may wish to manually put an order into the system. This may be on behalf of a customer, or so that your reports will capture an order from a different sales stream. You can create an order by going to Orders and clicking on the + New Order button.
There you are then lead through a step-by-step process to place the order:
Firstly you will be prompted to select the distributor that the order will be placed with. Next you will need to select the order cycle that you want the order to be placed in. You choice of order cycle will dictate which products will be available to be added into the order and the fees applied. You will then be redirected to the following page where you can select products. You must type at least the first 3 characters of the product for it to appear as an option in the drop down list:
After finding the product you'd like to order, enter the quantity and click the + button to the right of the product to add it to the cart.
Once a product is added you can edit (quantity for example) by selecting the pen and paper icon to the right of the item:
After editing any aspect of the cart, click update and recalculate fees to update the price.
The next step is to add in the customer’s details (right hand menu, second option down). If it is a customer who is on your customer list, you can select them from the dropdown menu, otherwise you can fill in the customer’s details details and check them out as a guest.
Click Update and go back to Order Details (top option on right hand menu). You will now be able to select a shipping method for the customer.
Tick to update changes and cross to cancel.
You can not select a shipping method prior to adding the customer's details.
The final step is to add the customer’s payment method. This is found from the bottom option of the right hand menu:
Clicking update will finalise this order and send an email confirmation to the customer.
Dentro de la interfaz de administración hay dos lugares donde los pedidos se pueden ver y modificar (si es necesario): la página de Pedidos, y la página de Gestión de Pedidos en Bloque. Las características de estás dos páginas se muestran a continuación.
La página de pedido de lista muestra una vista de lista de todos los pedidos realizados a través de su (s) tienda (s). Desde aquí puede acceder a los detalles de pedidos individuales, editar pedidos y realizar un seguimiento del estado de su pago y envío. Para obtener detalles sobre cómo crear un nuevo pedido manualmente para su cliente, consulte aquí.
La página tiene filtros que le permiten seleccionar qué pedidos desea ver. Puede filtrar por fecha, estado o correo electrónico y nombre del cliente.
Distribuidor: Esta es la organización de la tienda a través de la cual se realizó el pedido.
Completado en: Esta es la fecha en que se realizó el pedido.
Número: Este es un número de pedido asignado arbitrariamente. Un símbolo de exclamación con la palabra 'Nota' a la izquierda mostrará si el cliente incluyó un comentario con su pedido al finalizar la compra. Coloque el mouse sobre el signo de exclamación para ver el comentario.
Completo: el cliente ha finalizado el pago
Cancelado: si el administrador edita el pedido y elige "cancelarlo"
Carrito: el cliente está en proceso de compra, pero no ha realizado la compra.
Estado del Pago:
Balance Due (Saldo adeudado)- Si es en efectivo, transferencia bancaria o eftpos (es decir, todos los pagos no automatizados), entonces el pedido será 'saldo adeudado' de forma predeterminada, hasta que los miembros administradores de la organización distribuidora marquen manualmente que se ha recibido el pago, en el cual punto, el estado de pago cambiará a "paid (Pagado)".
Paid (Pagado)- Para pagos automatizados (PayPal, Stripe, PIN, por ejemplo), el portal de pagos marcará automáticamente un pedido como 'pagado' cuando se haya procesado. Los pagos no automatizados (efectivo, transferencia bancaria, etc.) también se marcarán como 'pagados' cuando se actualicen manualmente.
Credit Owed (Crédito adeudado)- Si alguien pagó su pedido, pero luego usted edita su pedido y elimina un artículo, el costo de ese artículo se convierte en "crédito adeudado".
Estado del Envío:
Pendiente- Cuando el estado de pago es "balance due/saldo adeudado", el estado de envío estará pendiente, lo que significa que hasta que no se reciba el pago, el envío no debe comenzar.
Listo- Cuando se ha recibido el pago (estado pagado o crédito adeudado), el estado de envío pasa a estar "listo".
Enviado- Después de la entrega o recogida, un pedido se puede actualizar manualmente mediante la gestión de la tienda / centro (editar pedido) para que el estado del envío sea "Enviado".
SOLO puede actualizar manualmente un pedido a 'Enviado' si el estado de pago es 'Paid/Pagado' o 'Credit Owed/Crédito adeudado'
Email del cliente: El correo electrónico de contacto del cliente. Se puede descargar una lista completa de correos electrónicos de clientes en el reporte "lista de correo".
Total: El valor total del pedido del cliente.
On the right hand side of the listing view you can update the payment/shipping state of an order.
Click on the tick icon to indicate that payment has been received (this records full payments only).
Click on the road icon to indicate that the order has been shipped.
The payment and shipping status of an order can also be updated when editing the order (see below).
When a shop or hub manager updates the 'Shipment state' to 'shipped' this will automatically send the customer an email to say that their products have been shipped, irrespective of the shipping method. Hence it can cause confusion for orders due to be collected (rather than shipped). Another source of potential confusion to be aware of is when customers pay for an order on collection. Updating the payment (and then shipping) status of the order after the goods have been collected will send an email to the customer, even though they have their goods in practice.
To the right of an order you will see a pen and paper icon. Click on this to access the order management page where you can edit, modify and cancel:
You can also access full information concerning an order by clicking on the order number (fourth column of the table).
This is what the order management page looks like:
You can add a product to the order by selecting the variant you require from a drop down list of those available (at least 3 letters must be typed in to the field box 'Select Variant' for list of options to appear). To remove a product from an order click the rubbish bin icon on the right hand side of the product. You can also change the quantity of each item ordered. Remember to click the update and recalculate fees button to save changes (this will also update enterprise, shipping and payment method fees accordingly, where appropriate).
Additional options available under 'Actions'
Resend Confirmation: If you have edited a customer's order, you may wish to resend them an updated order confirmation email.
Send Invoice: This will automatically send the customer an invoice (in .pdf format) by email.
Please check regional regulations regarding the information legally required to be on an invoice. Currently our invoices are not compliant to French law. Invoices for enterprises which are registered for VAT are not compliant under UK law. We hope to bring about updates to correct these aspects. In the meantime you may wish to invoice through a complementary software package.
Print Invoice: This will generate the invoice in the form of a pdf for printing.
Cancel Order: Cancel the order
Customer information (email, billing, shipping addresses and phone numbers) are accessible from the menu on the right of the page:
Click on 'Adjustments' in the right hand menu (screen shot above). On this page you can add or subtract from the order total by selecting the + New Adjustment button.
You may wish to use this functionality to:
grant a discount on an order if a product is damaged
deduct credit owed to the customer from their total balance
refund a customer (for more information about Refunds visit here.)
Visit the 'Payments' page from the right hand menu in screen shot above to record partial payments.
To save time you can print multiple invoices at once (rather than visiting each order in turn and selecting Actions-> Print Invoice). On the Listing Orders page check the box to the left of orders for which you would like to send an invoice. You can increase the number of orders per page from 15 to 100 and select all at once, if desired. Then click 'Print Invoices' button to the top right of the table:
A Loading page will pop up while the invoices are generated. On completion you will be able to view (and download) a file containing all the invoices for the orders selected:
We have learned above that the Listing Orders tab presents a table of the orders per customer. This page, on the other hand, details all the products that were purchased in your orders. This functionality is useful for modifying multiple orders at once that may contain the same product (quantity change, product out of stock etc). The page looks like:
Start/End Date: You can filter to display all orders that were placed within a given window of time.
Producer: You can filter for a given producer. This can narrow down the display, if you’re only interested in one product, supplied by one producer.
Shop: You can filter according to the shop at which the order was placed.
Order Cycle: Perhaps the most useful filter, the order cycle filter, will display only those orders which were placed within a selected order cycle.
Quick Search: Before or after applying filters, you can narrow your search down even further by searching for a key word. This could be a name, product, hub, producer, date, order number…
Actions: You can select the check boxes of multiple orders (left hand column), to perform the same function to all of them, such as delete.
Columns: You can select which fields you do or do not want to be displayed in the table:
Rows ('Name', 'Producer', 'Product: Unit') can be sorted according to their content by clicking on the relevant column heading: one click for sorting A-Z, two clicks for the reverse (Z-A).
The Price column indicates price of an item including tax but excluding fees (enterprise, shipping or payment method fees). Fees are recalculated each time an order is modified.
In your current order cycle, customers placed orders for 20kg of tomatoes. Unfortunately there was a storm, and you were only able to harvest 10kg. You need to identify all customers who ordered tomatoes, and half their orders for tomatoes.
This can be done in bulk order management, as follows:
Filter according to the date range, or current order cycle.
Search for ‘tomatoes’. All orders for tomatoes within the date range/order cycle you selected will now display.
Click on the product ‘Tomatoes’ in the Product:Unit column.
A box will appear at the top of the page, showing the total quantity ordered (across the date range/order cycle you’ve selected).
You can then adjust the quantity (or delete products) of each unique order in the Quantity column. The Total Quantity Ordered in the box at the top will update automatically as you adjust orders.
No automated email will be sent to customers after you have adjusted their orders. It is good practice though, to manually do so else the customer may be disappointed on collection/delivery.
Here, the amount of tomatoes allocated to each order has been reduced to meet the total available of 10kg:
This checkbox allows you to make adjustments to all variants of the same product at once. For example, you may retail tomatoes in 1kg and 3kg bags. By selecting 'Shared Resource' you will be able to edit the quantities of both variants ordered at once.
When selling indivisible products such as legs of lamb, or whole pumpkins, you may not know the final weight and price of the product until after the customer has placed their order. (Read more here.) You can use Bulk Order Management to update the item’s exact weight once you have the product in front of you.
For the example of a 1kg fish:
Filter for the order cycle or date range of interest.
Search for the desired product
Make the Weight/Volume and Price columns visible.
Enter the actual weight of the fish that each customer will receive in the weight/volume column. The price will automatically recalculate based on this weight.
Click update.
Your customers can view a list of their orders when they login to the OFN, and click on their account (see below).
Here your customers will be able to see the past orders and payments as well as a running balance at your shop (and any others on OFN where they have placed an order).
For non-automated payments (cash, cheque, bank transfer etc) the customer's 'balance' will display as 'owing' until you have manually recorded the payment. If payments are not updated regularly by a shop/hub manager this can be confusing to your customers as they may have in fact paid but it won't be documented above.
Occasionally, you may have to adjust the amount a customer pays for their order. Common scenarios include:
Orders containing products with variable weights which are unknown at time of ordering (such as , sold priced by weight but as complete items)
A product ordered was not delivered by the producer.
A customer contacts you to add extra items to their basket.
One (or more) of the items ordered is not of the expected quality and you wish to compensate the customer.
There are two main cases:
The customer is due to pay for their produce on collection and so no payment has been made in advance. In this case, you can adjust the customer's order, resend their order confirmation email, and the monies exchanged on the day of collection reflect the updated amount due.
The order was paid for at the time it was placed (Stripe, PayPal, or bank transfer). In this case there are three options:
The balance is in CREDIT (you owe the customer money) and you wish to refund them.
The balance is in CREDIT and you wish the customer to be able to use this credit on future purchases.
The balance is in DEBT (the customer owes you money)
If the customer made the payment for their order to your business Stripe account, then you will be able to issue a full or partial refund from the OFN admin interface.
Make sure the order you wish to refund is marked as 'PAID':
You will then see the that there is CREDIT on the modified order. Select the 'tick' to the right of the order to issue a refund via Stripe:
The refund will be recorded on your business' Stripe account:
Refunds take 5-10 days to appear on a customer's statement.
The fees charged by Stripe (1.4% - 2.9% + 20p per transaction) are not refunded to your business. They are charged based on the amount originally paid. It might, therefore, be more advantageous to offer the customer credit against their next (or future) order rather than issue a refund.
Automated partial or full refunds to customers who paid for their orders by PayPal are not supported on the OFN platform at the moment. You will need to visit your business PayPal account and issue a refund through their platform. This is a functionality we hope to add in the future.
An alternative to issuing a refund might be to manually deduct the customer's credit from their next order.
If a customer wishes to add an item they forgot originally to their basket but pays by Stripe or PayPal then it might be simpler to ask them to create another order, rather than editing their existing order.
Adjust the order as necessary (read for how to edit an order or read more about for managing scenarios such as or .)
If an order has been totally cancelled you can issue a full refund (if the customer paid by Stripe) by -> Payments and then selecting the 'cross' to the right hand side of the table:
A customer pays for their purchases by bank transfer or any other non-automated method (ie any method except Stripe or PayPal) and you recorded their payment. At a later date, it is necessary to (an item is not available or was supplied faulty). After making this adjustment the over-payment made by the customer displays as credit against their order. To issue a refund by BACS you will need to do so through your business bank account.
Currently, as Shop or Hub manager, you would need to manually adjust the customers balance to take account of their credit. In the future we would like to automate this process. Please if it is something which would be useful for your enterprise.
For example, a customer might ask to you add an additional item to an order they have already paid for, or, you might find after receipt of meat () that the total invoice is increased slightly. Any additional funds paid must be recorded manually. The customer will not be able to pay the excess by Stripe or PayPal through the OFN platform.