Glosario de términos de Open Food Network

  • Administración de orden en masa: Esta facilidad le permite mannipular múltiples órdenes de una sola vez, en lugar de individualemente. Es útil para:

    • Grupos de compradoras que tienen que llegar a un número mínimo de órdenes de un producto antes de que sea posible comprar los bienes para redistribuirlos a sus clientes

    • Ajustar ordenes en masa (e.g. en el caso de un fallo en la cosecha o el brote de una enfermedad) que previene la entrega de uno o más artículos del producto.

  • Comisión a empresa: Un margen o cargo agregado al precio base de un artículo para cubrir los costos de negocio o hacer a la empresa rentable.

  • Permiso a empresa: Una conección entre proveedoras y distribuidoras en la plataforma. Sin permiso (que debe ser dado por la proveedora), otra empresa no puede editar su configuración o listar sus productos para la venta.

  • Compra grupal: Organizar ventas para clientes en las que los bienes son comprados al por mayor por el hub que distribuye, o para las cuales hay una orden mínima antes de que la proveedora acceda a entregar los bienes a un punto de recolección.

  • Hub: A food retail outlet on OFN which sells items supplied by others. A hub can also sell goods which it makes or grows (a Producer Hub). Analogous businesses on the high street might be a shop which buys in stock for re-sale from lots of different producers (e.g. they might buy bread from a baker, vegetables from the local wholesale market, meat from the local farm...).

  • Inventory: A list of products which you wish to stock on your shop front. By using the OFN inventory function a shopfront can change some of the product settings of produce from a third party supplier.

  • Order Cycle: A period during which shoppers/buyers can place an order for delivery or collection at a specific time. The order cycle controls when your online shop front is open/closed and which products are available at any one time for a customer to purchase.

  • Private Shopfront: An online shop which is not open to for the general public. Unless registered, no one can see what items are for sale, their prices or place an order.

  • Producer: A food enterprise which makes, grows, bakes, cooks, ... food which it can supply to other businesses for sale (or sell directly on the OFN platform to customers).

  • Profile: A food enterprise on the OFN platform which supplies others only. They do not organise their own sales to customers on OFN.

  • Non-producer: A food enterprise which only

    distributes food and goods made and supplied by others.

  • Shop: A food enterprise on OFN which makes, grows, cooks, ... food which they sell to customers in a shop front which lists only their items. OFN Shops can also act as suppliers to larger OFN distributors (hubs).

  • Subscription: A regular automated repeating order of goods from a customer (e.g. a veg box)

  • Tags: Labels given to customers, order cycles, payment methods and/or shipping methods which can be used to customise buyers' shopping experiences.

Símbolos comunes usados en Open Food Network

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