Order Reports
Orders and Distributors Report
This report is a useful way to view customer orders as they are placed in more detail than on the Order list.
The Data fields you can see in this report are:
Date & time the order was placed along with order ID
Shipping method (and cost), payment method, customer notes
Customer name, email, phone number, city (but not full address)
For each product within an order, there is the name of the product, variant name, quantity (and Max quantity for bulk order items), cost
Hub (distributor) address
Filter by date and time to enable swift download.
Orders and Fulfillment Reports
Under the Orders and Fulfillment Reports you will find four options: Order Cycle Supplier Totals, Order Cycle Supplier Totals by Distributor, Order Cycle Distributor Totals by Supplier and Order Cycle Customer Totals.
Order Cycle Supplier Totals
As a producer who supplies one or more hubs these three reports are a great way to keep track of orders of your products which coming in while an order cycle is open.
Unless you are also the coordinator or distributor of the order cycle these orders will not appear in your list of Orders but you may want to start planning your baking/picking before you receive the supplier notification email from the distributing hub.
A summary of the data found in each report is below:
Report | OC Sup Tots | OC Sup Tot by Dist | OC Dist Tot by Sup |
Producer | Y | Y | Y |
Hub | N | Y | Y |
Product | Y | Y | Y |
Variant | Y | Y | Y |
Amount | Y | Y | Y |
Tot Units | Y | N | N |
Current unit Cost | Y | Y | Y |
Total Cost | Y | Y | Y |
Status | Y | N | N |
Shipping Method | Y | Y | Y |
Tot shipping cost | N | N | Y |
Note that the Total Cost is not a simple multiple of Current cost per unit and amount.
The current cost per unit may vary over the time frame selected.
The value recorded in these reports is the current cost per unit at the time of the last order.
The Total Cost is a sum of product costs at the time when each item was purchased.
These reports are handy for calculating the amount to reimburse a producer for items supplied
Order Cycle Customer Totals
Useful for:
Fulfilling orders on a individual basis
Preparing individual orders in bulk
This report which contains the most data:
Date & time the order was placed along with order ID
Customer name, email, phone number, billing and shipping addresses
For each product within an order, there is the name of the product, variant name, quantity, cost, price paid by the customer (item cost + fees), a break down of fees (Enterprise, payment method and shipping method fee associated with each product), producer
Hub name.
Payment Method and status (ie. paid, unpaid)
Shipping Method, Delivery or Pick up
The Shipping Address displayed for an order where the chosen shipping method is 'pick up' will be the address of the distributing hub.
The screenshot below shows the information contained in an Order Cycle Customer Totals report.
Last updated