Payment Methods
You must create at least one payment method before you can open your shop.
Before you read on, you might like to look at a quick demonstration of how to set up your first payment method:
Setting up a Payment Method
Go to the Payment Methods page by clicking on Enterprises in the blue horizontal menu, and then click Settings next to your enterprise. The Payment Methods page is found in the menu on the left hand side.
Click Create new payment method + . You will be directed to a page like this:
Tick your enterprise, in the box on the right hand side of the page titled Hubs. This indicates which enterprise the payment method you are about to create will apply to. You can select more than one enterprise.
Name: Choose a name for this payment method. (eg 'Pay with credit card using Paypal'). This name is displayed at checkout and on customers' order confirmation emails.
Description: provide further details about the payment method. For example, for a bank transfer, you would enter the bank account details in this box into which you would like a customer to make the BACS payment. This description is displayed at checkout and in order confirmation emails.
Display: Opt for either 'Back Office Only' or 'Both Checkout and Back Office'
If you want to inactivate a payment method for a while but might want to offer it again in the future (perhaps due to a COVID outbreak you temporarily need to stop offering cash on collection) then change it to 'Back Office Only'.
Changing all your enterprise's payment methods to 'Back Office Only' will result in a Display Only Shopfront for active order cycles.
Active: Select whether this payment method is currently visible and available, or not.
Tags: Use tag rules if you want to make certain payment methods available/unavailable for specific customers (for example you may wish to allow only wholesale customers to pay by BACS but 'force' domestic customers to pay by Credit Card or PayPal.). For more information read here.
Payment providers: Select the option which is relevant to the payment method you are creating. There are three options:
PayPal Express
Stripe/ Stripe Connect(This payment has been deprecated and will be removed. Use Stripe SCA)Stripe SCA
Cash / EFT / etc. (Cash, cheque or bank transfer. These payments do not go through an online payment portal and do not involve automatic validation)
Remember! If your enterprise has 'Customers can change or cancel orders while an order cycle is open' enabled (found in Enterprises -> Settings -> Shop Preferences) then the only recommended payment provider which is compatible with this feature is 'Cash, EFTs, ...)
Calculator: Select how you would like any charges associated with the payment method to apply to an order. Note that payment method fees can be set to zero. See below for more information about Payment Method Fees.
By clicking Create, the payment method will be created and you will have new fields to define payment method fees. These fields visible depend on which 'Calculator' you selected.
If you change the Payment Method fee 'Calculator' field you must first save your changes (Update) for the new associated fields to become visible.
Integrated Payment Providers
For Paypal, MasterCard, Stripe and Pin Payments (Australia only) additional instructions are below.
To setup a PayPal payment method, you need a PayPal business or merchant account. You can create one here. Once you have that, you can set up ‘API access’ within PayPal, which will enable OFN to connect customers directly with your PayPal account.
Login to your PayPal Account
Under your account name on the top right there is a drop down menu with 'Account Settings'
3. Select 'Update' from API Access
4. Select 'Manage API credentials' from the custom checkout experience option.
From here you will be able to access your API username, password and signature.
In OFN, make sure you are logged in as your Enterprise User. Go to an Enterprise and create a Payment Method. Select PayPal and fill in the details from the PayPal site.
Server: Change the ‘server’ field to ‘live’ – this is case sensitive.
Login:Type the API Username.
Password:Type the API Password.
Signature:Type the API Signature in this field.
Solution: Solution determines whether or not a user needs a PayPal account to check out.
Type “Mark” if you do want users to have a paypal account, or “Sole” if they can checkout without a Paypal account (with credit card).
Landing Page: You can select which page to show customers once they’re redirected to PayPal.
Type “Login” to direct customer to the login form for PayPal (if you selected “Mark” above). Or type “Billing” to show show customers a form where they can enter their credit card data and possibly sign up for a PayPal account (if you selected “Sole” above).
Payment Method Fees
You can attach a fee to payment methods. Most commonly this is used to pass on a payment portal's fees to the customer. For example, you may wish to charge the customer for the convenience of paying by PayPal to cover the fee charged by PayPal.
Payment Method Fees DO NOT include tax (VAT)
Fee Calculators
Flat Percent: This fee is charged as a percentage of the total amount charged in the order.
All percentage fees are calculated on a percentage of product costs only.
If your business adds a flat percent Enterprise Fee to all products then in order to make the 'Flat Percent' Amount your desired percentage of a customer's basket is
eg. for a business with an enterprise fee of 20% who would like to charge a fee of 5% of a customer's total basket for payment, the amount to enter in the flat percent of this payment method is:
Flat Rate (per order): This fee is applied as standard fee to all orders, regardless of the size of the order.
Flexible Rate – This fee calculator is especially useful if you'd like to encourage customers to place large orders: the cost of payment can be reduced or zero when the threshold number of items has been reached.
‘First Item Cost’: The fee charged for the first item in the order.
‘Additional Item Cost’: The fee charged for items beyond the first item.
‘Max Items’: The maximum number of items on which the fee will be applied. Items purchased beyond this amount will be not be charged the fee.
For Example: if the 'First Item Cost' is set to £0.20, 'Additional Item Cost' is £0.10 and 'Max Items' is 3 then a customer who purchases 5 items will be charged £0.40 in payment fees (£0.20 for the first item, £0.10 for items two and three, and £0.00 for items four and five).
Flat Rate (per item): This fee is a constant fee, applied to products listed as ‘items’. (It is not applied to products sold by weight or volume. Hence there will be no associated payment method fee charged to a customer who, for example, buys rice by kg.)
Price Sack: This is a flexible shipping fee method that allows you to reward shoppers who spend over a ‘minimal amount’ by applying a discount. If the shopper spends less than the ‘minimal amount’ you can set what shipping fee they pay.
Minimal Amount: If the order total is below this amount, no discount is applied. If the order is above this amount, the discount will be applied at checkout.
‘Normal Amount’: This will be the shipping fee applied to sales below the ‘Minimal Amount’.
‘Discount Amount’: This will be the shipping fee applied to sales above the ‘Minimal Amount’.
The Minimum Amount is the total cost of the products in a customer's basket and does not include any enterprise fees.
For example, if a business adds an Enterprise Fee of 20% to all products and they wish to set the threshold between no fee for payment (Discount Amount = 0) and, say, a £0.50 fee (= Normal Amount) to be a basket of £30 then the Minimum amount is
Payment portals often charge businesses a fixed amount per transaction plus a small % of the total cost. Thus fees encountered by a Hub or Shop for customers who purchase the same total amount in multiple small sales will be higher than if the customer did all their shopping at once.
The Flexible Rate and Price Sack calculators, applied to payment method fees, may prove useful to counter balance this.
Issuing and managing refunds depends on how a customer originally paid for their order. More details are found here.
Last updated