How to find an online food shop near you!
A list of all food enterprises which are currently open in your country can be found under the /shops tab from the home page.
In the UK this URL is
You can search by shop name, town, county or postcode.
The ‘Filter By’ box enables you to narrow down your search if you are looking for a shop which sells a particular type of item (eg. fruit and veg), one which offers delivery, or one which meets specific criteria in the type of products they stock (eg. vegan, certified organic items).
Why are orders not open all the time for my shop?
Some shops on the Open Food Network will be open cyclically each week or month, like a weekly market which takes orders in advance but offers collection on one day a week/month only. These shops tend to take orders up until a day or two before collection/delivery. The time between the shop ‘closing’ and you being able to collect your items enables the food producers to bake the bread you ordered, harvest the apples, package the eggs etc.
If the shop you have heard about from a friend does not appear in your search then it might be closed at the time you are looking. Click on the blue ‘Show Closed Shops’ button at the bottom of the page.
When you have found a shop, it is always a good idea to bookmark the URL which will take you directly to the outlet next time.
Last updated