The people & businesses who make/grow your food!
When you land on the home page of the shop you would like to buy from, you will see a number of tabs across the top of the page: (to find a local shop read more here)
Under each tab is more information about the food business you are purchasing from: the story of the people behind your local produce, how to connect to them on social media, their contact details and more...
To buy items go directly to ‘Shop’!
Notices (not visible on all shop fronts)
This section will inform you about how the shop operates. For example, you may find information about the different delivery/collection times the business offers, what their seasonal promotions are, conditions for collection (eg. bring a bag with you) and/or any other services they offer.
This section is all about the food business who runs the shop front you are looking at. The business may make or produce some or all the food that they offer for sale, or they may source from local suppliers. Learn more about how the business operates, how they choose their suppliers or make the food they sell or their vision for the local community.
Here you will find a list of all the businesses and individuals who supply the shop you are looking at. By clicking on each name will bring up a pop up window where you can read more about the producer. This is a great place to find out more information about who and where your food comes from. You can also see which other local shops on the platform stock that producer’s items.
Do you want to get in touch with the shop? Perhaps you would like to find out more information about one of their items, or you ordered something for collection this week and now you are unable to make the collection time and date….
Whatever the reason, this is the best place to look. You will find a contact phone and email address for the shop along with links to their social media accounts and any external website they may host.
Groups (not visible on all shop fronts)
Some food businesses on our platform team together to be part of a group. Businesses within the same group often have shared beliefs, suppliers in common or are geographically close by.
Last updated