Voucher codes can be created to offer shopping discounts to new or existing customers. Voucher functionality is still relatively limited, please read through this guide before implementing vouchers in your shop process.
Vouchers is in 'beta' mode, meaning it's a new feature that may still have some glitches. Please contact us with any feedback about what works, what needs improving or how it could be better explained.
Visit these pages for a step-by-step guide to using the Vouchers feature to:
offer a percentage discount via a social media campaign
Set up and manage vouchers in the Vouchers tab in your Enterprise Settings.
Setting up a voucher
Go to 'Vouchers' by clicking on Enterprises in the main menu at the top of the page and then click Settings next to your enterprise. The Vouchers page is found in the menu on the left hand side
Click Add New in the top right of the vouchers page to be taken to the new vouchers page
Voucher Code - the code customers will enter to receive a discount. Code is string matched, so double check the spelling, spaces and numbers.
Voucher Type- There are two options here: Flat (for a flat rate discount) and Percentage (so someone can have a percentage discount).
Amount - The numeric percentage or flat rate you wish the discount to apply.
Click save to create the voucher.
New vouchers will be created as active. If you do not want your voucher to be active, switch it off using the steps below
Managing vouchers
Vouchers can be turned off and on as needed by enterprise managers.
Voucher codes will not automatically switch off after customer use
In the Vouchers page in Enterprise Settings, use the checkbox against each voucher code to deactivate or reactive your vouchers.
Click update to save changes
Customer facing use
Customers will need the exact code as entered in the Voucher Code field of set up (above).
In step 2 of check out, Payment method, customers can enter the voucher code to have it applied to their order.
Only 1 voucher code can be applied per order
After applying the code, continue through check out to finalise the order
If the voucher brings the order total cost to zero, or below, the customer will not be prompted to enter payment method or details. See screenshot below
If only part of the voucher is used (order total becomes negative), the remaining credit will not be carried over to the customers next order.
Last updated